Relationship and marriage practices have been evolving through the years. Today, more men embrace engagement rings, which is a way of showing commitment to their partners. This article addresses the reasons why this practice has been rapidly rising in popularity; 

Do guys wear engagement rings?

The norm has been the man going on his knee and presenting an engagement ring to his bride-to-be. But in recent times, more men are embracing engagement rings. The Knot surveyed 1400 men and women, and 17% of men were willing to put on an engagement ring. Reasons why more men are putting on engagement rings are:

Reasons Why Guys Wear Engagement Rings

The view of marriage as a partnership

In the past, men assumed the role of leaders in a relationship and later in matrimony. Today, times have changed, and both genders are viewed as equal partners in relationships or marriages. There is no better way of demonstrating acknowledgment of that than with the engagement rings. 

To signify commitment and love

With an engagement ring, the man is showcasing his undying love to his bride-to-be. The woman also feels reassured of the man’s commitment to the relationship.

A show to possible suitors you’re off-market

If you are a man, the engagement ring will send a message to the single ladies you are taken. It’s not women-only who need to show this to the world; engagement rings cements that both parties are committed to transitioning to marriage.

A reminder of the remarkable milestone in your relationship

After dating, every man desires to have the woman of his dreams say yes to his marriage proposal. An engagement ring is your perfect reminder of this precious moment.

The perfect choice of an engagement ring for a guy

Regardless of your preferences, you can get your perfect fit from Goldsmith Jewelers. The ring can be customized to have a masculine look.  The interesting bit is, the engagement rings have a wedding band that matches perfectly.


And are guys supposed to wear engagement rings? The answer is yes and the determining factors are personal preferences and the agreement between the couple. Should you be looking for an engagement ring for gentlemen please contact us.